In 2015, I “unofficially” started Inherent Dream, a world dedicated to artistic exploration. But what does that mean?

I have always loved multiple forms of art and expression… music, podcasts, radio, photography, paintings, books, films, etc. I’ve always had an appreciation for individuals that don’t settle to be put into one artistic/creative box. Someone who inspires me is Tom Delonge. He is from the band Blink-182 and Angels and Airwaves. Not only have I enjoyed the music he has created throughout his career, I have respect for him because he has passions in a variety of subjects. Not only has the dude had #1 albums, he has also directed films, written books, produced TV shows and also has chased UFO’s (seriously, look it up). Now I might not ever sell 25 million records like Delonge, but the point is this… Inherent Dream will never be put into one box. We will never be known for just one thing, because at the end of the day, we have multiple passions and want to explore all the things we find interesting. In fact, Delonge might have said it best. In an interview one time he said, “I really want to do things that I have no business in doing.”

So after running with Inherent Dream as a “side hustle” for seven years, I quit my day job and Inherent Dream became “official” in November of 2022. Inherent Dream is home to The Inherent Dream Podcast Network, which features 763 The Local Morning Show and The Trevor J. Brown Show. It is also home to Inherent Dream Records, art, photography, books and film. Inherent Dream is more than four walls, familiar zip codes and central Minnesota. I may have no business in doing more podcasts and producing more music. I may have no business in doing an audio book series or producing a major motion picture. But I am going to do it anyway.

Trevor J. Brown

Founder & CEO

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